Bipolar Wellness

Should I Drink During My Holiday Party?

Should I drink during my holiday party (1)

Absolutely not!

Some people have a drink or two at the office party or at a holiday gathering because they think it will make social situations easier. But if you have bipolar disorder, it doesn’t work that way.

The medication that you take will make every drink feel like four. The alcohol will hit you harder, disrupt your sleep cycle, and can contribute to the frequency and severity of mood episodes.

But let’s be real. You will likely have a drink during the holiday season. If you absolutely feel like you need a drink, be smart about it. Pre-plan your ride home. Make sure you don’t have anything important going on the next day.

And ask a trusted friend to be your buddy for the night to help you manage your drinking and any sticky social situations that may arise.

And I strongly advise that you don’t drink with family. Especially around the holidays, emotions are already high.

Things are already a bit raw. Throwing alcohol into the situation won’t make it less tense! It’s not going to smooth the political conversation between you and your uncle Bob – it’s only going to make it worse.

So next time you’re tempted to have that glass of wine at the holiday dinner, just remember this: Don’t.